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Schematic generators

This section will cover the basics of writing schematic generators.

Nested data

Before we can write a schematic generator, we first need to specify what data a block exposes in its schematic. For example, in a digital buffer circuit, we may want to expose the two internal inverters so that they can be probed during simulation. We can also expose the internal node that connects the two inverters for easy access.

pub struct BufferData {
inv1: Instance<Inverter>,
inv2: Instance<Inverter>,
x: Node,

Nested views

Essentially, the only requirement for a struct to be used as nested data is that is has a nested view. A nested view describes how the data changes as it is nested in new cells. For example, a Node in one cell becomes a NestedNode when that cell is instantiated within another cell, storing the path to itself from the top cell.

Generally, you should not need to directly create your own nested views as #[derive(NestedData)] will do this for you. However, it sometimes may be useful to include your own data that you want to be propagated up from instance to instance. You can do this by implementing the HasNestedView trait.

For example, say you want to propagate up some integer value that was calculated while generating your schematic alongside some nested instances. Then you might define your own nested view and manually implement HasNestedView as follows:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct MyMetadata {
my_calculated_value: i64,

impl HasNestedView for MyMetadata {
type NestedView = Self;

fn nested_view(&self, _parent: &InstancePath) -> Self::NestedView {

pub struct BufferDataWithMetadata {
inv1: Instance<Inverter>,
inv2: Instance<Inverter>,
metadata: MyMetadata,

If you don't want to deal with the extra layer of indirection while accessing the struct, you can also do something like this:

pub struct BufferDataWithMetadataV2 {
inv1: Instance<Inverter>,
inv2: Instance<Inverter>,
metadata: i64,

pub struct NestedBufferDataWithMetadataV2 {
inv1: NestedView<Instance<Inverter>>,
inv2: NestedView<Instance<Inverter>>,
metadata: i64,

impl HasNestedView for BufferDataWithMetadataV2 {
type NestedView = NestedBufferDataWithMetadataV2;

fn nested_view(&self, parent: &InstancePath) -> Self::NestedView {
Self::NestedView {
inv1: self.inv1.nested_view(parent),
inv2: self.inv2.nested_view(parent),
metadata: self.metadata,

impl HasNestedView for NestedBufferDataWithMetadataV2 {
type NestedView = NestedBufferDataWithMetadataV2;

fn nested_view(&self, parent: &InstancePath) -> Self::NestedView {
Self::NestedView {
inv1: self.inv1.nested_view(parent),
inv2: self.inv2.nested_view(parent),
metadata: self.metadata,

However, we don't recommend you do this unless you know what you're doing since it is more prone to error and a bit difficult to understand.


Be careful when implementing HasNestedView yourself, since propagating a node without nesting it correct may cause issues when trying to probe it or allow you to do incorrect things like try to connect to a node in a nested instance. Generally speaking, you should always nest fields that have a nested view.

Defining a schematic

Once a block has an associated IO and nested data, you can define its schematic using the Schematic trait:

impl Schematic for Vdivider {
type Schema = Spice;
type NestedData = ();
fn schematic(
io: &IoNodeBundle<Self>,
cell: &mut CellBuilder<<Self as Schematic>::Schema>,
) -> Result<Self::NestedData> {
let r1 = cell.instantiate(Resistor::new(self.r1));
let r2 = cell.instantiate(Resistor::new(self.r2));



Let's look at what each part of the implementation is doing.

  • type Schema = Spice declares that Vdivider defines its schematic in a specific format called Spice. This allows us to netlist the voltage divider to SPICE and run simulations with it in SPICE simulators. For more details on schemas, see the SCIR chapter.
  • type NestedData = () declares that Vdivider has no associated nested data.
  • fn schematic(...), which defines our schematic, takes in three arguments:
    • &self - the block itself, which should contain parameters to the generator.
    • io - the bundle corresponding to the cell's IO.
    • cell - a Substrate CellBuilder that provides several helper methods for instantiating sub-blocks, connecting bundles, and running simulations, among other things.
  • The two calls to cell.instantiate(...) create two resistor instances, one with resistance self.r1 and the other with resistance self.r2, and add them to the schematic.
  • The four calls to cell.connect(...) connect the terminals of the resistor to the outward-facing IO wires of the cell.
  • The final line of the implementation, Ok(()), indicates that there was no error and returns (). We return () because we declared the nested data type to be ().
Instances and cells

You may have noticed that cell.instantiate(...) returns an Instance. We define instances as specific instantiations of an underlying cell, or a template for the contents of the instance. The fn schematic(...) that we are implementing is generating a cell, and our calls to cell.instantiate(...) are running other cell generators then instantiating them as an instance that we can connect to other instances.

This distinction is important since one we generate the underlying cell, we can create as many instances as we want without needing to regenerate the underlying cell. The instances will simply point to the cell that has already been generated, and we can access contents of the underlying cell using functions like Instance::try_data and Instance::block.

Error handling

The above example does not have any error handling. That is, the generator would panic if there were any errors while generating the nested resistor cells.

Parallel error propagation

The above code with additional logic for propagating errors is included below:

impl Schematic for Vdivider {
type Schema = StringSchema;
type NestedData = ();

fn schematic(
io: &IoNodeBundle<Self>,
cell: &mut CellBuilder<<Self as Schematic>::Schema>,
) -> substrate::error::Result<Self::NestedData> {
let r1 = cell.instantiate(Resistor::new(self.r1));
let r2 = cell.instantiate(Resistor::new(self.r2));



This looks a bit more complex than typical Rust error handling because, by default, calls to cell.instantiate(...) generate the instantiated cell in the background. This allows you to effortlessly generate cells in parallel, but it does require a bit more thoughtful error handling.

In the code above, we first start generating the two resistors in parallel by calling cell.instantiate(...) twice. While they are both in progress, we block on the first resistor and return any errors that may have been encountered using Rust's ? syntax. We then block on the second resistor and do the same thing. Now that the any potential errors have been propagated, we proceed as normal.

Sequential error propagation

If we don't need parallelism and want to be able to handle errors immediately, we can write the following:

impl Schematic for Vdivider {
type Schema = StringSchema;
type NestedData = ();
fn schematic(
io: &IoNodeBundle<Self>,
cell: &mut CellBuilder<<Self as Schematic>::Schema>,
) -> substrate::error::Result<Self::NestedData> {
let r1 = cell.instantiate_blocking(Resistor::new(self.r1))?;
let r2 = cell.instantiate_blocking(Resistor::new(self.r2))?;



The calls to cell.instantiate_blocking(...) wait until the underlying cell has finished generating before returning, allowing us to propagate errors immediately.


The errors returned by cell.instantiate_blocking(...) and cell.instantiate(...) followed by r1.try_data() are irrecoverable because instantiating a block both generates a cell and adds it to the schematic. Even though we are checking whether the generator succeeded, we cannot retroactively take the failed cell out of the schematic. That is, we cannot do something like this:

impl Schematic for Vdivider {
type Schema = StringSchema;
type NestedData = ();
fn schematic(
io: &substrate::types::schematic::IoNodeBundle<Self>,
cell: &mut CellBuilder<<Self as Schematic>::Schema>,
) -> substrate::error::Result<Self::NestedData> {
if let Ok(r1) = cell.instantiate_blocking(Resistor::new(self.r1)) {
} else {
cell.connect(io.vdd, io.dout);
let r2 = cell.instantiate_blocking(Resistor::new(self.r1))?;


Even though it looks like we succesfully recovered from an error, the error was already been pushed into the schematic via cell.instantiate_blocking(...). The above methods only work if we want to propagate errors. If you want to recover from errors, you should use the generate/add workflow outlined next.

Error recovery

The correct way to recover from errors is to first generate the underlying cell, check if it is generated successfully, and only then add it to the schematic:

impl Schematic for Vdivider {
type Schema = StringSchema;
type NestedData = ();
fn schematic(
io: &IoNodeBundle<Self>,
cell: &mut CellBuilder<<Self as Schematic>::Schema>,
) -> substrate::error::Result<Self::NestedData> {
let r1_cell = cell.generate(Resistor::new(self.r1));
let r2 = cell.instantiate_blocking(Resistor::new(self.r2))?;

// Block on generator to see if it succeeds.
if r1_cell.try_cell().is_ok() {
let r1 = cell.add(r1_cell);
} else {
cell.connect(io.vdd, io.dout);



In this case, we start generating the two resistors in parallel using cell.generate(...) followed by cell.instantiate_blocking(...). We then block on the first resistor and if generation succeeded, we add the resistor to the schematic and connect it up. Otherwise, we just connect the output port to VDD directly.